Aug 21


State Team & Selection for Australian Team

The final wrap-up from the QSCA State Titles has been sorted with the Team to represent the Association at the 2023 SCA Nationals being held at Gunnedah Sporting Clays in a few weeks.
The QSCA Team this year:

Arron Knowles – Dennis Dinte – Daniel Davis – Mick Lucas – Shannon Palfreeman – Mike Birgan – Christopher Christensen.

Good Shooting at the Nationals Team QSCA!

Selection for Australian Team

For the all important members eligible for Team Selection to represent the SCA Australian National Team at the 46th FITASC World Championships happening next year (2024) being held at Game Unlimited – Hudson – WI – USA. The following names from QSCA will form part of the process –

  • OPEN: Aaron Knowles – Steve Blake – Dennis Dinte – Daniel Davies – Michael Lucas – Bronson Barden – Martin Scott – James Palfreeman – James Christenson – Anthony Sheridan
  • Ladies: Shannon Palfreeman – Georgia Rogers – Simone Lucas
  • Seniors: Michael Birgan – James Ogden-Brown – Chris Chapman
  • Veterans: Leo Cao – Bruce Wilson
  • Juniors: Christopher Christensen – Jack Davis – Luke Taylor

Just a heads up for those eligible. You must be an Australian Citizen to represent SCA at a FITASC World Championship.